Feelings/emotions are the body's response to your thoughts. Thoughts are like clouds in a vast sky, they are only temporary and will pass, they do not exist outside of your mind, they do not exist inherently. Don't attach yourself or ride these clouds (thoughts), they make mountains out of molehills. Let them pass, suffering is optional if you can recognize that you are producing all of this in your own mind. It takes practice to catch a thought before it turns into a feeling/emotion. Learn to watch your thoughts, meditate.

~Our body, our greatest attachment, we spend more time and worry about it more than anything else. We feed it, we wash it, we exercise it, we color and style our hair, we color our nails, we clean and whiten our teeth, we paint our faces, we clothe it, we keep it comfortable, all this to present our image of who we think we are, or want to present to the world. Although we spent so much time and effort, others see us through their own eyes, through their own filters, seeing us much differently than we see ourselves. My question is : How is your mind hygiene? How much of your time is spent on your inner self, compared to the time you spend on the reflection you see in the mirror? That reflection you see depends on the state of your mind. If fact the entire world you see depends on your mind.